Sky's My Channel: A Different Kind Of Woman
In March, Sky's My Channel, interviewed several women on the challenges of being a mummy and running a business in today's world, including our very own Mouse.
There are many societal pressures on woman today: to be the perfect mother, wife, friend, sister, daughter, colleague, home maker, 5* chef, bread winner and expert nappy changer. Women are amazing and can do all of these things and do them well.
The difficulty/unfairness, we feel, is that we are expected to do all of this looking fabulous, care-free, manicured and well slept. The worst part is that it is often women (mainly celebrities, bloggers, TV stars) who put this added pressure on fellow women and new mums.
Mummies are incredible, they can close a contract via conference call while simultaneously cleaning up spaghetti hoops. If they do it with greasy hair and in their jim jams, they are still just as incredible. Sod the blow dry.
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